The next Holy Spirit Retreat is called: Reigniting the Fire of Pentecost:
(Acts 1:8-9.) It will take place at the Catholic Charismatic Center on Saturday, May 18, 2024, from 9:00 am to 3:00 PM. This is the day before Pentecost Sunday! The fee is $15.00 per person, $10.00 for a spouse and youth are free! Lunch will be provided! Call 505-247-0397 for registration, or more information.
Dcn. Mike has an updated version of Discovering the Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
There are some changes but the content essentially is the same. There is a new subtitle: Revised Edition. There is a new cover and the writing is better. If you have not read Discovering the Gifts I encourage you to get this one. It will soon be available on